When personal finances become unmanageable, there are several options available to ease the load. A debt reduction strategy can help you to restructure your monthly income and debt payments in a way that will reduce your overall level of debt over time. However, it is...
Month: July 2012
American Airlines wants to cut retirement benefits in bankruptcy
When a company files for bankruptcy in New Jersey or elsewhere in the country, there can be changes for the employees, both past and current, of that organization. In one recent commercial bankruptcy from AMR Corp. and American Airlines, the changes may come as a...
Payments to creditors must be disclosed in personal bankruptcy
People in New Jersey facing bankruptcy often have many questions regarding the process. Many worry about keeping property and how to minimize the impact of a filing on their credit score. One area of particular concern for many filing personal bankruptcy is credit...
MF Global trustee eyes potential commercial bankruptcy deal
The economic landscape is bleak across the entire nation, and not just for consumers. Many businesses are finding it necessary to file for commercial bankruptcy protection when expenses outweigh revenue. One commercial bankruptcy to have hit the news recently is that...