Throughout the United States, a significant number of people have fallen into the credit card debt and feel that they have no way out. Creditor harassment can pile additional stress onto New Jersey families, only making matters worse. There are several different...
Month: July 2014
Crumbs Bake Shop files for Chapter 11 with a sweet ending
When crazes happen, smart business owners jump on board and capitalize on the new fad. As the fad slowly begins to fade or the industry changes, the companies that were part of the fad may begin to feel the effects and lose money in their business. New Jersey...
When is filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy a good choice?
During hard times, many people are faced with the decision as to what they should do when the bills are piling up and there is not enough money to pay them. The harassment from collectors may soon prove to be too much and may cause someone to begin to consider other...
Quiznos surfaces from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection
Many people associate filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection with negative connotations; however, it can be a great way for a company to survive the recession. Due to the economy and a lack of discretionary income, many New Jersey businesses may have taken a hit...