Moratorium On Utility Disconnections is Ending

by | Apr 6, 2021 | Bankruptcy Law, Chapter 7, Foreclosure, Personal Bankruptcy |

The pandemic led the Governor of New Jersey to place a moratorium on foreclosures and evictions during the pandemic. In addition, Governor Murphy signed into law Order 229 which prohibited public and private electric gas and water utilities from disconnecting because of arrears during the pandemic. That moratorium is in effect until June 30, 2021. However, after that date, unless the moratorium is extended, you can be shut-off from utility services. Keep in mind, that there are still other protections. Through a chapter 7 bankruptcy you can typically eliminate the past due utility bill. The utility company may ask for a deposit of about one and a half times your average payment as a security deposit for future use, but the past bill can generally be eliminated.





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