Filing Bankruptcy Will Stop Wage Garnishment
When you are stressed out due to overwhelming debt, the last thing you need is creditors taking a portion of your paycheck. When your earnings are taken by aggressive creditors, it can be hard to cover your cost of living. At the Law Office of Robert Braverman, LLC our wage garnishment lawyer can help you keep your paycheck and put a stop to other aggressive debt collection actions by creditors. A bankruptcy filing puts a stop to collections immediately.
If creditors are taking pay away from you, we can help. Call 800-759-0767 to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your situation.
Ending Wage Garnishment Through an Automatic Stay
When you file for personal bankruptcy, an automatic stay will go into effect immediately which will prevent creditors from taking your wages as collection for your debts. Our Chapter 7 lawyer can also explain what other collections actions an automatic stay can stop, including:
- Lawsuits
- Asset repossession
- Foreclosure
- Other collection actions
Finding a Bankruptcy Option That Is Right for You
At the Law Office of Robert Braverman, LLC our attorney can explain the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process and the Chapter 13 bankruptcy process. We will explain how these debt relief options can put a stop to adverse actions by creditors. Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 operate differently. In general:
Chapter 7 bankruptcy completely eliminates debt. Eligibility for Chapter 7 is determined through a bankruptcy means test.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy assists with mortgage and vehicle arrears and reduces the size of debt, enabling you to pay off remaining debt over time.
We will work closely with you to review your situation and find a debt relief option that will be the best fit for you. You do not have to accept hostile creditor actions. We can help you get the relief you need.
Free Consultation With a Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Lawyer
If creditors are coming after your paychecks, relief is available. Contact our wage garnishment attorney online or call 800-759-0767 for a free consultation to discuss your situation. We have offices in Cherry Hill, Willingboro and Philadelphia.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.